fund and hold a community event

Get your event off the ground

The Magistrates' Court of Victoria (of which we are a part) has a fund to help community groups get their events up and running.

The Magistrates' Court Fund supports community activitie, and is the court's way of putting to good use money collected through fines and penalties.

Here's a few examples of what we funded in the past:

  • Welcome events for newly arrived refugee groups
  • Bus hire to take Aboriginal men to Leaders’ camp in rural Victoria
  • Sports uniforms for children from disadvantaged backgrounds to attend a sports day.

Funding limit

Funds go up to $1000

Who can apply (criteria)

Your organisation needs to be:

  • Not-for-profit or community group 
  • Based in the City of Yarra

How to apply

Apply in writing (letter or email) and provide the following information:

  1. Name of your group or organisation
  2. What is the activity you want to fund and why are you doing it?
  3. Who will benefit from the activity?
  4. What you will spend the funds on?
  5. How much you need?
  6. When you need the funds?
  7. Who is the best person for us to contact?


Use your organisation’s letterhead or email address when you apply. This way we know who you are.

When to apply 

Apply any time. 

Our Senior Registrar will contact you within 2-3 days of getting your application to have a chat about your venture.

If you can, apply as soon as you can. 

What happens next

The Fund is managed by our Magistrate, Senior Registrar and two City of Yarra residents.

They'll assess your request. If you're successful, our Senior Registrar will contact you to arrange fundings.

Final steps

Once your activity is finished, you'll need to give us a brief report within two weeks. This shows us that he funds were spent in the way we agreed to.

Your report should include:

  • Receipts  
  • Any feedback you received 
  • Program outcomes (if any)

You may want to tell us how many people came to your event. And if you got great feedback, tell us! 

We love photographs so you can send us those and we may put them on our Facebook page! This is a great way to celebrate your great work.

Where to send you application

Postal applications
Senior Registrar
Neighbourhood Justice Centre
241 Wellington Street, Collingwood, 3066

Email applications (External link)

Help your email stand out by adding the subject line: NJC Court Fund

Artwork: unknown artist
208 Johnston Street, Collingwood